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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 10 Blog Task

What impact is Global Warming having on the Antarctic Foodchain? What are the scientists studying? 


Anonymous said...

It has a impacted because the glaciers are melting which is producing more fresh water which mean only smaller amounts of plankton can grow which means the krill will start to become vanish. Krill are the main food source for most Antarctic animals and if you don't have krill what are they goin to eat.


Anonymous said...

Global warming is making an increase in fresh water wich mean thing like fish and krill can,t live in and once there are not to many krill left that means a large amount of sea animals will not be ab,e to feed and survive!

Anonymous said...

Global warming is impacting on the Antarctic food chain because the ice is malting and krill's food grow on ice so there is starting to be less food for the krill. Krill are at the start of the food chain, if krill loose their food, so will a lot of other animals!

Chloe 🙊🙉🙈

Anonymous said...

Icebergs and ice are melting causing more fresh water to pour into antarctic oceans meaning less plankton will grow, form, breed or do whatever they do. Since plankton are a food source to krill, krill will die and since krill are important to other animals, they will die to.

James Collins

Anonymous said...

Climate change is affecting the Antarctic food chain because its causing the glaciers to melt which makes the ocean less salty. This effects the number of plankton and then krill who eat the plankton and then all the other animals who eat the krill. The scientists were studying this.


Anonymous said...

Global warming is impacting on Antarctica because it is causing the glaciers, which are made of fresh water, to melt. This fresh water means that only small amounts of plankton can grow. The krill feed on this plankton, and the krill is pretty much the base of the food chain. If krill die out or become less abundant, a lot of other Antarctic animals, like penguins and whales, could also become extinct or less abundant, putting the whole food chain in danger of extinction.

I really liked this clip.

Taiya 😃

Anonymous said...

Global warning is Impacting on antarcticas old chain krill grow on ice and if krill die amimuls die

Anonymous said...

Global warming is affecting the plankton and the krill feed on the plankton so if there is not very many plankton the krill will start to die off which will affected all the animals in Antarctica because most animals feed off of krill.


Anonymous said...

Global warming is having an effect on the Antarctic food chain because krill eats plankton, which feeds on salt water. With icebergs melting in the sea, fresh water inside the iceberg gets released into the ocean plankton get less food so krill get less food and start dying and is krill go so will a lot of animals like, 🐦🐧🐳🐟🐋

Brayden 😎🙈🙉🙊