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Introduction to angles (old): What an angle is. Angles in a circle. Complementary and supplementary angles.

What we already know about angles......
  • the main parts of an angle are the arms and vertex.
  • the size of an angel depends on how wide one arm opens.
  • the types of angles can be seen in the image below

Complete the Activity below in Notability
1. Find the angles

How to use a protractor....
2. Click on the Measuring Angles link and complete the online activity using the virtualprotractor to measure the given angles.
3. Complete Measuring Angles 0'-360'


Vertically Opposite Angles

After watching the BrainPop clip on the properties of angles, complete the following activities;

1. First, find out what Supplementary, Complementary and Vertically Opposite angles are by using this Maths Dictionary. Draw diagrams in your book of each - make sure you label them and provide a definition of each type of angle.
2. Complete the following activities in your grid book;


There are 4 types of triangles;
In your Maths Grid Books draw each triangle using a protractor and write the properties of each triangle.