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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Some great Divisibility collages, made using PicCollage.

(Touch the image)


Anonymous said...

I had a great week. I liked doing the art on Thursday. We also finished 'Because Of Winn-Dixie' the book. My independent information report is going well.

Anonymous said...

I had a good week this week because, we did beautiful rockhopper penguin arts. I also enjoyed netball training because it is our first game next week and i am rellly looking forward to it. I have been doing lots of swimming this week, i swam on wednesday, i am going to swim later this day and even later than that.


Anonymous said...

This week was really good. I really enjoyed the week. My favourite activity was the Rockhoppper penguin art. I though I did a good job. My independent information report is coming along okay. I really would like to finish my boxes by Monday or Tuesday. I really enjoyed Capture the Flag and Dodgeball with Mrs McDowell. I didn't really like the movie Mawson because I found it a bit disgusting.
From Taiya.

Anonymous said...

My week was great.I really liked doge ball and capture the flag.i am starting my info report on the orca.i also liked art because I have never drawn a rockhopper penguin. I am looking forward to watching Winn Dixie.


Anonymous said...

This week I went to Armidale to represent the school for soccer the first game we lost 5-1 but we were winning at half time the second game we tied 1-1 and I scored a goal that game. The next game we won 5-0 I think we played best that game. For the last game we lost 2-1 I think that we all were tired. Overall I really had fun.

Tom A

Anonymous said...

I loved sport on Monday with Mrs Mcdowell, we played dodgeball and captutre the flag, two of my favourite games. I feel that I neeed to hurry up with the research of my independent information report as it is dragging on a little. I really liked art this week even though I'm not very good at it. Hopefully I will have my independent information report draft finished by the end of next week.
Ross 6W!